Microsoft Yammer
Microsoft Yammer is a tool created to help you connect and engage across the whole company. The tool is typically used to convey a message or information to a wider audience. For example, a
company would use Yammer to announce company-wide information including those on the move with the Yammer mobile app.
Format: half day, max capacity 6
Yammer Introduction
Navigating the Yammer Interface
Editing the Yammer Profile
Download the Windows Desktop Notifier
Set notification options
Download Yammer Mobile Apps
Working with the Home Feed
Follow people and topics
Post a message
Like, reply and share stuff
Chat with colleagues
Set Online Now options
Following up
Searching with Yammer
Working with Groups
View and join a group
Groups participation
Poll members of a group
Add external participants in group conversations
Working with Notes and Files
Attaching and uploading files
Previewing files
Editing and collaborating
Creating and publishing
Links and managing notes and files
Post messages and work in groups
Find and share content
Discover and organise information