C++ Introduction
At the end of this course, delegates will be able to develop basic ANSI-compliant C++ console programs. No prior C++ knowledge is assumed although some knowledge of a development environment such as Microsoft Visual Studio & some programming experience would be beneficial.
Format: 3 Days: Max Capacity 6
Course Content
C++ programs
The history of C++
Components of a C++ program
The C++ Interactive Development Environment
Microsoft Visual Studio
Starting a new program
Writing and compiling a program
C++ Simple Data Types And Expressions
Fundamental data types
Declaring variables
Integer numbers
Integer operators
Compound assignments
Increment and decrement
Floating point numbers
Character data
Boolean data
Unsigned variables
Type conversion
The size of operator
Composite Data Types
The #Include Compiler directive
Flow Control
Sequential statements
The if statement
The while statement
the for statement
Range based for loop
Break and continue statements
The switch statement
The do while loop
The ternary conditional operator
Modular programming
Header files
Source files
Function declarations
Calling functions
Function definition
Returning values using the return statement
Function overloading
Default arguments
Passing parameters
Passing copied parameters- by value
Passing referenced parameters - by reference
Inline functions
Scope of variables
Storage class
Automatic local variables
Static local variables
Global variables
Extern variables
Dynamically allocated objects
Dynamic Memory Allocation
The stack & the heap
Memory leakage
The new & delete operators
Memory addresses
Declaring pointers
Manipulating pointers
Pointers to structures
Strings in C++
Pointers to char
Character manipulation routines
Null pointers
C++11 Nullptr
Pointers to arrays
Pointer arithmetic
The void pointer
Architectural Issues
Header & source files
#Defined constants
Defined macros
Files in C++
Files - review
File types
Text file examples
Binary file examples
Principles Of Object Orientated Programming
- Review
Object orientated principles
Classes & Objects
Class implementation
Writing classes
The public interface
The private interface
Class definition
Inserting class definitions
Using objects
Object lifetime
Static Class Members
Static class data members
Static class member functions
The C++ Const Modifier
Constant variables & pointers
Constants & functions
Constant class member functions