C++ Expert
This course is designed as a follow on from the C++ 3-day Introduction & 2 day intermediate courses. It is only open to delegates who have completed those courses and preferably used the knowledge gained from them for several months. At the end of this course, delegates will be able to develop complex object-oriented C++ console programs that can take advantage of multi core processors and implement parallelism. The course will also cover efficient C++ programming.
Format: 3 Days: Max Capacity 6
Course Content
Composite Data Types
Bit structures
Structure alignment
Calling convention cdecl, fastcall, stdcall & thiscall
C calling convention (__cdecl)
Standard calling convention (__stdcall)
Fasting calling convention (++fastcall)
Inline functions
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Memory leakage
The new & delete operators
Placement new operator
Pointers to char
Character manipulation routines
Strcpy() and strncpy()
Strcat() and Strncat()
Strcmp() and Strncmp()
Character test functions
Character conversion functions
Microsoft & C++11 extentions to character
Manipulation routines
Tokenising strings with Strtok_s()
Null pointers
C++11 nullptr
Smart pointers (C++11)
More Pointers
Pointer Arithmetic
The void pointer
Pointers to functions
64 bit pointers
Static Class Members
Static class data members
Static class member functions
Multiple Inheritance
Constructors & Destructors in multiple inheritance
Multiple inheritance from a common base class
Alternatives to multiple inheritance
Inheritance guidelines
Polymorphism - review
Virtual functions
Virtual destructors
Pure virtual functions
Abstract base classes
Polymorphism guidelines
Advanced Constructors & Operator Overloading
Copy constructors
Move constructors
Conversion constructors
The explicit keyword
Operator overloading
Operator =
Move assignment
Operator +
Operator ++
Boolean operators
Overloading the <<&>> operators
Overloading the subscript operator
Global operators
Introduction to Lambda expressions
Pointers to functions review​
The Boost Library
Chapter objectives
Boost example
C++11, C++14, C++17
Range-based for loops
Override and final
Strongly typed enums
Smart pointers
Non-member begin() and end() Lambdas
Static_asset and type traits
Move semantics
Uniform initialisation syntax
Deleted and defaulted functions
Delegating constructors
Threading library
C++11 feature list
Function return type deduction
Alternate type deduction on declaration
Relaxed constexpr restrictions
Variable templates
Aggregate member initialisation
Binary literals
Digit separators
Generic Lambdas
Lambda capture expressions
The attribute [deprecated]]
Shared mutexes and locking
Heterogeneous lookup in associative containers
Standard user-defined literals
Tuple addressing via type
Smaller library features
Multithreading in C++
What is multithreading
When to use multiple threads
Advantages of multiple threads
Disadvantages of multiple threads
Creating your own threads
Starting threads
Identifying threads
Start a thread with a lambda
Thread synchronisation issues
Using a mutex
Exceptions and locks
Automatic lock management
Recursive locking
Timed locking
Call once
Condition variables
Atomic types
C++11 synchronisation benchmark
Thread suspend, resume & terminate
Thread priority & processor affinity
Thread local storage
Threading conclusion