Adobe InDesign Training Course
This Adobe Indesign training course will cover advanced text handling techniques, working with tables, drawing, process and spot colours, object libraries, advanced transparency options and creating customised pdfs. You will also explore InDesign shortcuts and workflow management. Delegates should have attended an Adobe InDesign Foundation course or have an equivalent working knowledge.
Format: Two Days, Max Capacity 6

Session Topics
Advanced Text Options
Using the Info Palette
Creating Custom Glyph Sets
Inserting Special Characters
Adding Copy Breaks
Working with Linked Text Files
Advanced Find/Change Options
Finding and Changing Fonts
Using Type on a Path
Working with Text Import Filters
Import Options
Working with Tables
Creating Tables
Adding Text and Graphics
Importing from Word and Excel
Editing Tables
Running Headers and Footers
Formatting Tables
Advanced Type Formatting
Importing Styles from Word
Word Import Presets
Applying Complex Nested Styles
Creating Balanced Headline Text
Adding Rules Above or Below
Controlling Paragraph Breaks
Working with Composition
Advanced Hyphenation Controls
Advanced Justification Controls
Preventing Word Breaks
Advanced Next Style Options
Clearing Formatting Overrides
Creating Footnotes
Frame-based Baseline Grids
Automatic Bullets or Numbering
Combining Text & Graphics
Creating Object Styles
Justifying Text Next to an Object
Anchoring Objects
Advanced Text Wrap Options
Sharing Colour Swatches Across Applications
Importing Multi-page PDFs
Layer Visibility Options for Imported PSD and PDF Files
Working with Pages & Spreads
Creating Multiple-page Spreads
Copying Pages Between Documents
Controlling Spread Pagination
Automatic Layout Adjustment
Advanced Colour Options
Creating Mixed Ink Swatches
Converting Mixed Inks
Using PSD Spot-colour Channels
Working with Colours from EPS or PDF Files
Converting Imported Spots
Drawing in Adobe InDesign
Using the Pencil
Smooth and Erase Tools
Drawing with the Pen Tool
Adjusting Path Segments
Using the Scissors Tool
Working with Stroke Styles
Applying Corner Effects
Creating and Editing Compound Paths
Shape-to-shape Conversions
Using Libraries & Snippets
Working with Object Libraries
Finding Objects
Working with Snippets
Advanced Transparency Options
Applying Transparency to Groups
Creating Transparency Knockouts
Using Blending Modes
Flattening Transparent Artwork
Creating, Saving, and Loading
Custom Flattener Presets
Flattening Individual Spreads
Understanding the Flattener Preview Options